February 02, 2022

By The Rev. Kathryn A. Kleinhans, Ph.D.

Paying It Forward

A gift opens doors. (Proverbs 16:18)

A few generations back, much of the cost of seminary education was subsidized by the sponsoring denomination. As denominational support decreased and operating expenses increased, more of the cost shifted to the students themselves. This placed a heavy burden on church workers whose future salaries might not be sufficient to pay off educational loans. That’s where you come in!

I am delighted to share that for the past several years, almost all Trinity students are receiving full-tuition scholarships. This is possible because of the many, many gifts the seminary has received to provide financial support for students. Currently, Trinity is blessed with 88 separate endowed scholarship funds. The smallest funds generate only a few hundred dollars of scholarship revenue each year, while the larger funds generate tens of thousands of dollars. It all adds up. Because of our donors, the financial burden on future church leaders is lessened.

Pastor Tori McGraw-Rowe, Manager for Seminary Strategic Partnerships, works diligently each semester to match individual students with the scholarship funds whose criteria they meet. Students are truly grateful for this support and eager to express their heartfelt thanks to donors for the support. Pastor Tori speaks of a student who came to her office last fall with tears of gratitude for the donors whose gifts are making his seminary education possible – a dream he has had for many years but did not think he would be able to fulfill.

Under the capable and Spirit-filled leadership of the Rev. Dr. Monica Lowe, Assistant Director for Seminary Admissions, our enrollment is growing. As enrollment grows, our ability to continue providing full-tuition scholarship support to our students will be stretched. Again, that’s where you come in! Needing additional gifts to help form leaders for Christ’s church at work in the world is a challenge we eagerly embrace!

Do you know someone who is exploring a call to ministry? Please reach out to Dr. Lowe at mlowe2@youqingbao.comor 614-236-6135 with their name and contact information.

Are you willing to help provide financial support for laborers called to work in the Lord’s vineyard? Please reach out to Pastor Mary Ann Siefke, Director of Congregational Engagement and Advancement, at msiefke@youqingbao.com or 614-236-6301, or click on the Give to Trinity button on our website. No gift is too small. For that matter, no gift is too large.

St. Paul’s letters often contain expressions of thanks for those who have provided financial support for his ministry and for other Christian communities. Like St. Paul, we are grateful for your partnership in ministry!